Wednesday 13 May 2009

I'm so not cool

So the closer the run gets the more down hill my training goes! I’m currently suffering with a horrible cold, which I’m also trying not to give to the rest of the team (although if they do get it maybe they won’t be able to run as fast). Is that cheating?

So far I’ve done one 6 mile run and it took me over an hour. From someone who used to play sport nearly everyday I’m pretty embarrassed! And getting pretty fat.

This week I hope to sweat my cold out with some good long runs.

The style of my jogging seems to change every time I run... I can just see me tomorrow, the snot running down my face my head bobbing, arms waving and all I’m worried about is my boobs moving or hitting me in the face.. This is NOT a cool look! Running isn’t cool…I’ve come to this conclusion. I often see people beeping at runners, but not me, not one bloody beep. I’m just not cool when running.

Anyway cool or not…I will update you on my running on Friday.


Monday 11 May 2009

House revenge

This weekend proved to be a bit manic so I could only fit in two smaller runs around a nearby river. Lots of very cute ducklings and less cute barking geese, arching their wings and plodding towards anyone that stepped on the grass (the power of Christ compels you!). Other unexpected exercise included the running from the kitchen to the garage to get rags and such to soak up the water from a suddenly leaking washing machine and scrubbing the carpet after dropping a carton of milk on it. All this and a broken washing line. I am starting to think that I am not a domestic goddess…however I can make good cheese cake.


Tuesday 5 May 2009

Sore knees…

So I decided this weekend was the time to turn up the training a notch. On Saturday I ran 4 miles, a mile of which was over a cow pat filled field. I really don’t know why they decide to do their business on the dented path but it meant that I had to do some funky jumpy dance type moves to avoid my feet being swallowed up to the ankle.

On Sunday I managed 6 miles and felt very pleased with myself. However I now have very sore knees (perhaps not helped by funky jumping over cow mess).
